Burpsuite Setup

Burpsuite Setup

What is Burp Suite?

Burp Suite, the Swiss Army Knife, is a proxy tool which can intercept requests and is often used for evaluating security of web-based applications and doing hands-on testing.

Burp Suite Community Edition

Burp Suite comes with 3 edition out of which community edition is free to download.

To Download visit: https://portswigger.net/burp/communitydownload

And Click on “Download the latest version”

Follow the below steps to set up Burp Suite with your Firefox:

Click on Proxy

Click on Options

In Proxy Listeners: Click and Edit it. Change the Port to 8081

Click Ok

Open Firefox

In the options menu search for “proxy”

Change the configuration as shown below

Click OK and search for http://burp The following screen should be visible

Click on CA Certificate on top right corner : A certificate must be downloaded

Again go in options and search for “certificates”

Click on “Import” and choose the file downloaded in Step 10

Make sure to tick both the checkboxes

Click OK

Your Burp Suite is ready to rock!!